Ingvar Villido Ishwarananda: “Sanatana Dharma – the sacred path”

Knowledge about yoga, ayurveda and meditation is already widespread in the western world, but little is known about the ancient teaching of Sanatana Dharma. 

Sanatana Dharma, also known as Hindu Dharma or Hinduism, is the world’s oldest spiritual tradition that offers guidance for ethical living, spiritual growth and ultimate liberation. The teachings of Sanatana Dharma not only contribute to the advancement of consciousness but also deepen the connection with one’s true nature. It helps to alleviate suffering by focussing on the essence of the True Self – peace, happiness and natural well-being. This fundamental essence is inherent in every human being and is part of the divine. 

The foundation for Sanatana Dharma was laid by rishis and siddhas, the ancient sages and accomplished masters, whose teachings and detailed descriptions were reproduced in ancient scriptures. 

The teachings of the siddhas emphasize the purification of one’s ego and thus approaching towards the state of absolute consciousness, known as Kaivalya. Deep ethical principles, development of the qualities of consciousness as well as superpowers, and living in harmony with nature and reality are also part of this tradition. One could say that the siddhas brought this deep knowledge to our earthly dimension, and so the world’s oldest spiritual tradition, also known as the sacred path, developed over time. 

In the April “Path of Wisdom” lecture, we will explore the ancient, deep aspects of Sanatana Dharma and esoteric knowledge. We will also make practical connections to understand the inner mechanics of the human being. 

“This is the path to your self-realization.” Ishwarananda 

Ingvar has walked the path of Siddha Yoga for over 30 years. In the “Path of Wisdom” lecture series, he shares in his own simple and practical way the deeper knowledge he has discovered on this journey. Ingvar has a special talent for making practical connections between spiritual and everyday knowledge. 

Recording of the lecture will be available soon.

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